• More on DreamLand

    In April, Kaspersky briefly described a new malware dubbed DreamLand in their APT trends report Q1 2023. Quote:

    In March, we discovered a new malware strain actively targeting a government entity in Pakistan. We designated this malware “DreamLand”. The malware is modular and utilizes the Lua scripting language in conjunction with its Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler to execute malicious code that is difficult to detect. It also features various anti-debugging capabilities and employs Windows APIs through Lua FFI, which utilizes C language bindings to carry out its activities. This is the first time we have seen Lua used by an APT threat actor since its use by AnimalFarm and Project Sauron.

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  • A look into APT29's new early-stage Google Drive downloader

    While analysing the downloader from APT29 that uses the Slack messaging service (SHA-256: 879a20cc630ff7473827e7781021dacc57bcec78c01a7765fc5ee028e4a03623), I’ve found another downloader that utilizes Google Drive. It is also delivered via an ISO file like the previous ones. I call this new .NET downloader DoomDrive in reference to the older BoomBox one. With this latest addition, there are 4 known early stage downloaders that abuse legitimate services:

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  • Using dotnetfile to get a Sunburst timeline for intelligence gathering

    You may have heard of dotnetfile, a library to extract header information from .NET assemblies. Basically, these files are made of the common language runtime (CLR) data located in the .NET header and the actual byte code, both “encapsulated” in a PE file. Compared to the PE header of an unmanaged native file, the CLR header contains much more runtime information. Some of this data can be useful for static malware detection, threat hunting and intelligence gathering as I’ll show in this blog post.

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  • Introduction of a PE file extractor for various situations

    During a malware analysis, you may encounter the situation where a next stage payload is loaded or injected into another process. When this is the case, usually a raw PE file gets decrypted in memory that is used to build the memory module. The trick is to find the procedure which decrypts the raw file with a debugger and dump the memory region which contains this payload. This allows you to easily extract the original PE file from the dump for further analysis. Thus, you usually don’t need to perform contorts like dumping the memory module of the payload and rebuild its import address table.

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  • Hello World

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